19 July 2018

Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City, Enforcing International standards around concert health and safety regulations

TANGERANG, 18 July 2018- Wanna One World Tour < ONE : THE WORLD > in Jakarta held at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) on Sunday, 15 July 2018. Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) together with the concert organizer would like to reiterate the all International health and safety regulations were both instituted and actioned during the above listed event.

There were around 12,000 enthusiastic concert attendees who attended this up-beat, vibrant concert. It has always been the philosophy at ICE that above all the general health and safety of all our staff, clients and stakeholders is “top-of-mind” in all cases. Like all our concert events ICE and the concert organizer provided security personal, ambulance on site and an advanced in-house clinic in order to ensure fast and effective reaction times should the need arise.

Whilst we did experience a number unfavorable incidents directly related to exhaustion and over excitement, all measures were put in place to deal with each case separately including the stoppage of the concert to ensure the on-going safety of all patrons.

ICE is proud to be associated with more than 20 International and National concerts and would like to ensure all stakeholders that we will continue to provide an International experience with Health and Safety at the forefront of all our events.


ICE Management