21 October 2021

Madrasah Robotic Competition 2021 Becomes a Platform for Young Generations’ Creativity and Innovation

The Madrasah Robotic Competition is an annual flagship program of the Directorate of Curriculum for Student Institutional Facilities (KSKK) of Madrasah, Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The Madrasah Robotics Competition is an annual robot competition for madrasah education at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) levels that has been running since 2015.

2021 is the 7th year of the Madrasah Robotics competition which held face-to-face (offline) at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City on 16-17 October 2021 with the implementation of strict health protocols.

This year's event featured 180 teams competing under the main theme of "Robots for Global Pandemic." The 180 teams were chosen from among 490 teams from various Indonesian provinces.

The big theme is divided into four issues, namely Robot for Health Care (Robot Peduli Kesehatan), namely robots to support health services, Robot for Social Care (Robot Peduli Sosial), namely robots that function to support and social interaction media that are constrained in the pandemic, Robot for Resilience (Robot untuk Ketahanan Hidup), which is a robot that has the function of helping humans for human survival, and Robot for Economy Recovery (Robot untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi), which is a robot that helps humans for economic recovery.

The Madrasah Robotics Competition is expected to have a significant influence on the realization of the madrasah students' enthusiasm to learn, particularly in the fields of technology, robotics and automation. At the same time, it stimulates madrasah students as the 2045 generation of Indonesia to prepare for the industrial era 4.0 and Cybion (Cybernetics, Biology and Ontology).

See the event excitement here.